Jeffrey Doshna, PhD, AICP

Jeffrey Doshna

Associate Professor of Instruction and Program Head of Planning & Community Development City & Regional Planning


Direct 215-204-1213

Office Location Architecture 213

Jeffery Doshna leans on a railing inside the Tyler building, hands together, smiling at the camera.

Photo by Joseph V. Labolito

Jeffrey P. Doshna is a professional planner, economist and community leader.

He teaches courses in community and economic development, quantitative and qualitative research methods and supervises the graduate planning studio. After a term on the Flemington (NJ) Borough Council, he is currently the Chairperson of the Planning Board.
His primary research area is community economic development with a focus on community development finance. His current work explores the influences of neoliberalism on the practice of community development through programs like the Federal Healthy Food Financing Initiative. He has previously conducted research on microenterprise development, state economic development policy and efforts to promote entrepreneurship in low-income neighborhoods.
Doshna is actively engaged in practice as an American Institute of Certified Planner (AICP). He has served on the Flemington Planning Board since 2006, supporting the creation of its affordable housing element, its sustainability element, as well as the latest revision to the Borough’s Master Plan in 2010. He was Chair of the Flemington Environmental Commission in 2008, authored Flemington’s Natural Resource Inventory in 2010 and led the effort for Flemington’s initial Bronze-level certification within the Sustainable Jersey Program in 2011. He regularly volunteers his time and expertise to other local planning initiatives and serves on the boards of a number of community non-profits.
PhD, Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 2015
MCRP, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 2002
BA, Economics, Johns Hopkins University, 1996

Selected Work

Doshna, J.P. (2016, November 03). Community Development in the Age of Neoliberalism: The Case of
     the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative. Presented at the 56th Annual Conference of the
     Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Portland, OR.

Doshna, J.P., Purdy, T., & O’Leary, T. (2018, October 14). Placemaking in the Suburbs: Developing and
     Implementing an Arts-Based Economic Development Plan for Lansdowne. Presented at the Annual
     Meeting of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association, Bayfront Convention
     Center, Erie, PA.

Servon, L. J., & Doshna, J. P. (2000, December). Microenterprise and the Economic Development
     Toolkit: A Small Part of the Big Picture. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5(3), 183-208.
Doshna, J. P. (2000) Questioning the Entrepreneurial State: an examination of State Economic 
     Development Policy. Presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate
     Schools of Planning, Atlanta, GA.
Servon, L. J., & Doshna, J. P. (2000). Structuring and Sustaining the Relationships that Support U.S.
     Microenterprise Programs. A contribution to the ILO Action Programme: Enterprise Creation by the
     Unemployed: The Role of Microfinance in Industrialized Countries.
 Geneva: International Labour Office.