Study Abroad

Thanks to being a part of Temple University, both undergraduate and graduate students at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture can study abroad in Italy or Japan.

Get Outside of Yourself 

So much creative work happens on the inside. That’s why it’s good to get outside of yourself and your studio — and even out of the country. 

Expand Your View Studying Overseas

Expand your view of yourself and the world. Feed your creative mind and heart by living and studying abroad.

Tyler offers both summertime and academic-year overseas programs for you to get out of town and explore the world — while meeting course requirements towards your degree.

  • Study How Different Cultures Handle Art and Built Spaces, Historically and Today
  • Immerse Yourself in Another Place with New People and Languages
  • Broaden Your View of What’s Possible (and Typical) Elsewhere
  • Experiment with Methods and Materials
  • Make New Friends from Around the World
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Ask Your Study Abroad Questions 

The expert admissions team or the advising team at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture stand ready to answer your study abroad questions.  

Contact Admissions Contact Advising

Study Abroad FAQ for Tyler Art and Architecture Students

Breathe! And let yourself imagine a big adventure to study overseas. It’s absolutely doable.  

Do study abroad credits meet my degree requirements?
Four students sit on steps outside with a professor, all sketching together.

Yes! Tyler study abroad programs fulfill requirements for your degree. Our admissions or advising team can explain in detail.  

Does tuition cost extra to study abroad?
A bus drives down Flaminia Street in Rome, Italy

When you study abroad at our campuses in Italy or Japan, your tuition costs remain the same as if taking classes on the main campus in Philadelphia. The housing and other fees depend on the program you choose. However, you can use any financial aid awarded for study at Tyler for study abroad programs too.  

Where can I learn more about study abroad through Temple University?

The university houses all information about studying abroad and overseas campuses in one spot on the main website. See all the details, including learn-more events, required visas, and even scholarships.