Digital Tool Requirements

Digital Tool Requirements

Laptops will be required for all students entering Tyler's Architecture programs, including incoming first-year, transfer or graduate students. 


Over the past two decades, the computer and its corresponding digital tools, such as laser cutters, 3D printers, and digital fabrication machines, have become an integral part of architectural pedagogy and the design studio environment. All architecture students begin working digitally in their freshman representation courses within the Architecture Foundations program. This Laptop Policy has been implemented to provide advantageous learning environments that guide students towards the acquisition of tools and skillsets that are most appropriate for the furthering of both their academic and professional journeys.

Laptop Requirements and Specs

Tyler's architecture and environmental design landscape architecture programs require all students to have a laptop that meets these specs.  

NOTE: Apple/Mac laptops lack oflack compatibility with required Windows applications. Tyler no longer recommends them for architecture and landscape architecture programs. 

Access Student Discounts on Laptops

  • Screen: 15 or 17 inches (13-inch screens work, but many prefer the larger screen for working on complex projects.) 
  • Processor: 6 performance cores minimum recommendation; 8 cores recommended 
  • RAM Memory: 32 GB recommended 
  • Storage: 1 TB Solid state drive (SSD) storage minimum; 1TB external SSD drive recommended for data backup 
  • Graphics Card: 6 GB VRAM minimum; 8 GB or more for VR and graphics intensive applications 
  • Operating System: Latest version of Windows 11 Home/Professional 
  • System Type: 64-bit  

Free Software Access 

The Tyler School of Art and Architecture and Temple University provide some of the required software for free.

  • Microsoft 365 Software Suite + OneDrive Cloud Storage
    — Free to students through Temple's Information Technology Services 
  • Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat Pro
    — Free through Temple Information Technology Services 
  • ArcGIS
    — To get a free license, please email  
  • ArcMap – ArcGIS
    — To get a free license, please email   
  • AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Revit etc.
    — Free download after registration in Autodesk Education Community 
  • AutoCAD
    — Free download after registration with the Autodesk Education Community 
  • Lumion
    — Free download from the company’s website. Pay close attention to the capabilities of your video card for 3D rendering. The company’s website lists recommended hardware, including the graphics card.

Additional Software to Purchase

  • McNeel Rhino Educational Version — one-time download for $195. Currently, Rhino remains one of the most important design software systems 
  • SketchUp Studio (Pro) — student download prices start at $55 per year 